
Over the next month I will will be doing extensive updating so If thing look silly for a while I'm just trying to put the most up to date Info in a little easier to read format.

Using Paypal

Paypal- a lot of survey companies pay through Paypal, or give the option of A Paypal payment. I first used Paypal through Ebay, so I already had an account. Some of the updated Survey sites I put on here pay by paypal. If you get paid by paypal make sure you sign up using the E-mail address of you Paypal account.

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Survey Tips

  • Get a new E-mail address-it just makes it easier to separate survey invites and personal mail.
  • Don't speed through the surveys, most are timed to see if your really paying attention
  • Be patient, it takes a couple weeks to get going, sometimes it takes a week or two for the surveys to credit.
  • Be honest- They will know if you put false answers in!
  • Always fill in the demographic questions when you sign up, you will get a lot more surveys and some sites pay you for filling them out.
  • A final tip, NEVER pay to take surveys, or for a list of paying survey companies. If you have to pay anything its a scam!
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